Every woman longs to be romanced. ;) Tonight, my eyes were brimming with tears as I stood in Hisense Arena, worshipping the most romantic person in my life. He is my heavenly father, my master, my best friend and also, the lover of my soul. He never fails to amaze me. I must share some of the many incredible things he has done for me in the past few weeks. In all these instances, I did not make my heart's desires known to man but only to the most high.
ONE ----> I was walking passed a shop the other day and a cute cardi in the window caught my eye. Not wanting to make an impulsive purchase, I walked away and soon, I forgot about it. A week later, a friend gave me a bag of stuff and in there, was a cardi from that shop!!! How good is He???
TWO ----> Since I moved back to Melbourne, I have been yearning for a DVD player to watch some movies. Guess what? A friend said I could have her TV and it comes with a DVD player!!!
THREE ----> I've always wanted the opportunity to listen to John and Lisa Bevere preach. Well, I was given passes to both the PS and Beautiful Woman conferences and got to hear them preach!!!
FOUR ----> I simply love cultural diversity. Back in April, I was in the Dandenongs and I had told God that it would be nice to experience staying with a couple of local families and in the countryside. I'm sure you can guess what happened :)
His love for me just blows my mind. I am CAPTIVATED.
ONE ----> I was walking passed a shop the other day and a cute cardi in the window caught my eye. Not wanting to make an impulsive purchase, I walked away and soon, I forgot about it. A week later, a friend gave me a bag of stuff and in there, was a cardi from that shop!!! How good is He???
TWO ----> Since I moved back to Melbourne, I have been yearning for a DVD player to watch some movies. Guess what? A friend said I could have her TV and it comes with a DVD player!!!
THREE ----> I've always wanted the opportunity to listen to John and Lisa Bevere preach. Well, I was given passes to both the PS and Beautiful Woman conferences and got to hear them preach!!!
FOUR ----> I simply love cultural diversity. Back in April, I was in the Dandenongs and I had told God that it would be nice to experience staying with a couple of local families and in the countryside. I'm sure you can guess what happened :)
His love for me just blows my mind. I am CAPTIVATED.