Saturday, January 30, 2010

Resting & Trusting

1st January 2010 was a memorable day for me. I was camping at the Murray River and just as I was about to snuggle in my sleeping bag after a refreshing midnight swim, it started raining heavily. Wild thunderstorms and lightning lashed Victoria and NSW. Imagine being in a tent surrounded by massive blue gum trees. Quite a horror I must say. My immediate response was to pray with Els that Jesus would calm the storms.

The situation that night was a reflection of my life at that point in time. As I prayed, He invited me into the place of rest with Him (instead of anxiously pleading for Him to calm the storms in my life). I am learning to be still and know He is in control. Some things may not make any sense at present and it is pointless wrecking my head trying to fit the missing jigsaw puzzle ahead of His appointed time.

When we go through moments like this, I believe all He wants us to do is to let Him hold our hands as He leads us through the 'dark tunnel'. To trust Him and lean not on our own understanding and He would certainly make our paths straight. We may see only what is on the horizon but He sees the big picture. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

Psalm 16:8 "I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken"